This is a photograph accompanying an article in The Allentown Democrat June 2, 1915 about the failure of a bill to allow women to be poll watchers at the November election
An image from a Wilson College student's scrapbook requesting contribution to the costs of yellow chrysanthemums to decorate a suffrage reception for Dr. Anna Howard Shaw who visited the college in 1915 and also a request to pay Suffrage League dues
From a discussion published by Randolph Hollingsworth on Monday, October 28, 2019 on the H-net Kentucky resources site: At noon they presented a “tableau vivant” of women on the steps of the old city Art Museum building at 19th and Locust streets.…
Thousands of women formed a double row along Locust Street between the Jefferson Hotel and the Coliseum where the convention was held. They planned for the "walkless parade" to last until noon on June 14th and they planned a torchlight parade and…
Evening Star (Washington, D.C.) August 12, 1917 article. The Chair of the committee is Anna Howard Shaw. Other members include Mrs. Philip N. Moore, past president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, Mrs. Josiah E. Cowles, current president…