Letter to parents of all Mississippi Summer volunteers from the Council of Federated Organizations. Robert Moses, director of the Mississippi Summer Project, wrote to request action for all concerned with the safety of the volunteers. Moses…
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Vail acknowledging their interest in the Mississippi Summer Project and the missing men, sent by Lee C. White Associate Counsel to the President.
Letter written by T.S. Eliot congratulating Paul Swain Havens for his appointment to the presidency of Wilson College. Eliot and Havens were both American-born Oxford alumni.
Letter from Walter Tillow soliciting parents of the Mississippi Summer Project volunteers to support the seating of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the National Democratic Convention by calling their area delegates.
Form letter from the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party to parents of the Mississippi Summer Project volunteers encouraging their support for the MFDP.
Letter from the Greenville Project sent out to the summer volunteers. The letter includes an update on activities in Greenville. The second page is nearly illegible.
Letter from Pat Vail to her family, written on July 10, 1965. In the letter she discusses registering voters and the Freedom School. This file is a transcription of the actual letter, which is also in the collection
Letter from Pat Vail to her family, written in August 1964. In the letter, she discusses how exciting it is to be in the midst of the burgeoning freedom party and to play an active role in change, rather just reading about it. Transcription in PDF.
Letter from Pat Vail to her family discussing the Cronkhite special on the Mississippi Project, items she needs while out on the Project, and her move to the Greenville office. Transcription of letter in PDF file.
Letter from Pat Vail to her family, written on June 22, 1964 after Vail arrived in Oxford, Ohio. She describes the disappearance of three men from the Summer Project and the federal government's refusal to investigate. She also asks her family to…
Letter from Pat Vail to her family, written on March 14, 1964. She discusses her hopes to work for SNCC over the summer as part of the Mississippi Summer Project. Transcription of letter in PDF file.
Letter from Pat Vail to her family on March 22, 1965, written from city jail. The letter describes the events leading up to her arrest and her time in jail.